Yaffa Finlett

 I had to bless everything I was doing. gratitude was my mindset. nothing is for-granted if you make the dishes say God, thank you. I have dishes to clean. every mundane thing is a blessing to do

She suffered for 7 years of different health issues after a car accident.  Incontinence, sciatica, constipation, tarlov cyst, spine injure and chronic pain were depressing her but Yaffa found a way out with visualisation and prayer. what was her journey to healing herself and how exactly was she cure?

It all started at: 

 I survived the car accident in 2014. my spine was shattered and i was in chronic intense pain. it was pretty gloom. I have to say, I'm not going to say it was rosy.  the cerebrospinal fluid in my spine started to leak at the base of my spine. So it formed tarlov cyst around each one of the nerve of my spine and the nerves were compressed. So my sciatic nerve caused excruciating pain. My bladder was affected. I was incontinent and had to wear the pads.  I could not feel things. And I was chronically constipated. So when you have back ache and you have constipation on top of that, it makes everything harder. Constipation happened because of the pain killers and also because I could not feel the rectal nerve.

when  And sometimes I would try because there was a decrease function of it. And also at first I was taking painkillers and painkillers. All of them cause constipation. Okay. So even though I was trying to stay on top of that and take something like a stool softener, the most important part was the numnet. I said numb. So I didn't know when I had to go and then my sexual nerve, my sex nerve was affected also. And if I can describe it that way, I felt like I had needles, somebody with a big sword poking the inside of my vagina all the way up. And that's the type of thing I would feel. Can you say which modalities did you try to hear?

You have been in hospital. So I assume you do well initially, because the neurologist could not find out the cause of my pain. They missed the diagnosis. They missed something very important in the MRI. It's called the type of C that form from the leakage of cerebral spinal fluid is called tarlog. And if the neuroscience does not pay attention to the word, then the treatment, then they miss on the treatment. And there is a treatment for that. There is a treatment for that. I stayed about five to six months in pain, not understanding the pain as it was getting more and more. And when you don't understand and you see neurologists, and I tell you, they cannot do anything for you. And the pain management doctor. All they do is give you more pain medication, more pain medication. And then it seems like everything is wrapped around where it's all about the pain and your mind is not outside of it.

Main symptoms were: 

the Tarlove cyts caused me to be  urine incotinent. I could not go to the bathroom to eliminate. So it would stay with me until I get very bloated. my sex nerve was damaged too.
 I was depressed. I was very depressed because my functioning was shut. I was not the person that I used to be. My life has changed and I could not understand it. 

Dark night of the soul: 

Well, the accident was February 9, 2014. And I think it was June, somewhere around the third week of June. That's when I hit rock bottom because I could not work. It was getting increasingly more difficult for me to work as a nurse. So I had to let go of that. And once I let go of that and at home, I was having more and more pain, more and more difficulty to take care of my home, to be a wife. And I felt that there was nobody and I had no identity. I lost my identity as a nurse, as a mother, as a wife, as a person. I was completely lost. I was nobody. And I felt lost. And when I cried, a lot

Change in the plot: 

in chronic pain you feel like you're a prisoner of your body because your body is taking you somewhere and you're fighting it. But I was very determined to find out what was going on. And I did.
my most important modality was prayer, prayer, prayer because the doctors could not find an answer.  i also did meditation and visualisation.
my rescuer was God. I just cried out to him. I asked him. And then after that, I started seeing outside of the pain, not letting the pain take me, but seeing the possibilities. And that's when I started doing research and I found out about this doctor in Dallas, Texas. I live in Jacksonville with my husband. So we went to Dallas, Texas. And that's where we met this neurosurgeon who is specializing on the treatment of this disease that is caused by a leak in the cerebral spinal fluid. he was a godsend. He was able to look outside the box, different from most neurosurgeons. 

The doom of the past versus the glory of my present life: 

I would like to say something about pain medications which was the modality i did back then. pain killers are a trap I did not want to fall into it because as a nurse i know you can become  addicted to pain medication. So I knew that I was not going to be dependent on pain medication. There is something that pain doctors don't tell you. They don't tell you about the loop that is going on in your mind, in your nervous system, how the pain medication is affecting the receptors of pain. But it is destroying the  your endocrine receptors. And so your endocrine system shuts down you become depressed and dependent.

My best advice to fellow sufferers of chronic conditions: 

Your body is a temple  so make your  body clean  for God to come, you got to keep your temple, your body as clean and pure as possible diet wise. Invite God in. align with the divine especially when you are in pain.
the antidote to depression is gratitude, staying in gratitude and having faith. I had to bless everything I was doing. gratitude was my mindset. nothing is for-granted if you make the dishes say God, thank you. I have dishes to clean. every mundane thing is a blessing to do. And I think the best thing to overcome depression is to remain in this grateful state and to don't take anything for granted. 

 I had to bless everything I was doing. gratitude was my mindset. nothing is for-granted if you make the dishes say God, thank you. I have dishes to clean. every mundane thing is a blessing to do