Joanna Maxwell

Prayer addresses the spiritual side of ourselves as we are also healing the body and calms the mind.

  Joanna Maxwell was diagnosed with a thyroid imbalance caused by an autoimmune disease. The doctor told her this condition is incurable. she challenged his verdict and after few months she healed herself.

It all started at: 

I was diagnosed with Thyrotoxicosis. I actually haven't heard anyone else diagnosed with it. Apparently it is being in a hyperthyroid storm constantly and it is an autoimmune disease. I couldn't really do anything, took all day to vacuum house, couldn't jump cm off the ground, getting up off the floor was effort, body couldn't relax, watching a movie or sitting in a group was hard, weeding a little bit of garden I would have stiff muscles for days like I did a work out. Hardest thing is people thought I looked healthy. They would ask me to help move something heavy and I would have to say "I can't do that anymore"

Main symptoms were: 

Brain fog, muscle weakness, hair falling out, multiple bowel movements per day, menstrual cycle stopped, heart palpitations, shaky hands and stiffness.

I tried these modalities but they did not cure me: 

medications given by the doctor it made me gain weight. 10kilograms in 2 weekd. it was not the answer and i knew it.

Dark night of the soul: 

Fortunately i am a very positive person so I didn't have stress or a dark soul moment. Indeed, my body reacted in stress and knew it was just a symptom, nothing to fear. 

Change in the plot: 

i made research and learned a lot about my mineral deficiencies.  most of our diets today are toxic by no fault of our own to someone degree, we can't absorb beneficial nutrients from foods anymore causing mineral deficiencies which cause illness. Majority will have the same cause but different symptoms. I have studied ex-vegans, first couple of years they feel great because they have changed diet but slowly causing more mineral deficiencies again. btw, I didn't take iron at the time. 3 years ago my iron levels dropped very low. I took natural iron for about a year and it didn't help much because as soon as I stopped I would feel ill again. So I knew there was a cause and found Intermittent fasting and apple cider fixed the issue whatever it. I must also say, there are so many "good" foods and supplements etc but we don't need it all, keep healing simple as our body is trying to heal and with the right direction it will.

How to cultivate a sense of safety?: 

believe in the body's abbility to heal it self from within. there is alwayd a way out. you'll find it with research and patience.

Prayer addresses the spiritual side of ourselves as we are also healing the body and calms the mind.