Mathew Embrey

this healing journey is all about making little constant choices. there is only only person that can help you out of this mess and it is the person in the mirror.

Mathew was diagnosed with MS at the age of 19. the symptoms were harsh and he found himself on his knees praying for his recovery. steroids didn't work for him and the torture of pains and spasms led his family to dig deeper and find the optimal solution, The complete healing was acomplished after 4 months and he was symptom free after half a year. In this story he shares  so beautifully how he healed and how the healing journey affected his present choices. don't miss this.

It all started at: 

the age of 19 i developed neurological symptoms after i slipped a disc in my back. very soon it was diagnosed as multiple sclerosis. this was a crushing diagnosis for me and my family

Main symptoms were: 

neurological symptoms after a back injury, the symptoms started in the foot (numbness and hypersensitivity at the same time), spasms, and eye coordination issues. these issuse lasted till my father went to the medical library to research deeper, and i started me on nutritional changes. I also saw a TCM expert and started meditation and mindful  practices.

I tried these modalities but they did not cure me: 

one course of steroids which i stopped. i also tried accupuncture. i didn't want to develop side effects so i stopped with any medications. i know myself and it doesn't suit my body.

Dark night of the soul: 

i used to be an atheist but one night i found myself literally on my knees on the floor of the bathrom begging to God for help.

Change in the plot: 

i committed to the discipline of getting better (mainly nutrition and excercises). i decided i was going to fight for myself and was determined to win this war. I started the anti inflammatory diet, low sodium and low sugar,no gluten, no dairy, not much fruit and the more i ages i am more attentive to this regimen. i also excercised almost every day- a  lot of swimming and weights lifting. within half a year i was symptoms free.

My relationship to pain: 

I made a documentary about opioids and the side effects are horrible as we all know. my current approach to address pains is via  mental control and mindful practices  things like meditations, affirmations, brain programming, reprogramming concepts and beliefs, sounds and frequencies etc. mindful practices are a big part of my life now and they work not only for pain but they create vitality and happiness. Let me tell you: 

it is much harder work on mindfulnes than on diet

it is much harder work on mindfulnes than on dietand excercises and it requires some isolation. my life experience showed me these modalities work. i used to see pain as inevitable place. now i see pains  as a place to enter to some extent,  but never stay there too long. you do have resources to go after your pains as they start and kick them away. your resources are not only in the physical realm but in other more etheric realms like dreams.

My best advice to fellow sufferers of chronic conditions: 

there is only only person that can help you out of this mess and it is the person in the mirror. the little choices and little decisions  you make the - really count.

baby steps  not marathon

my advice is to take micro steps to become the better version of yourself. this understanding that you are your own salvation is very liberating and it is very empowering. you claim your power back. 

this healing journey is all about making little constant choices. there is only only person that can help you out of this mess and it is the person in the mirror.