Shawn stevenson

we become what we are exposed to. mainly the envioronment where we grew up. 

This story of Shawn Stevenson will inspire you, After a sport injury came many years of chronic pain and a diagnosis of disc degenerative disease. only when he stopped chasing help from doctors to rescue him and strated educating himself about the components discs are made of mainly silica and magnesium - he started to heal, We found his story might help others in despair. 

It all started at: 

At the age of 15 after a sport injury. Things were deteriorating and at the age of 20 he was diagnosed with disc degenerative disease, Doctors told him he will never heal and that this condition is chronic. They gave him a nocebo. 

Main symptoms were: 

fracture in the pelvis crest, chronic debilitated pains, there weere times when he couldn't walk.and weight gain. pains brought him to his knees, this led to depression

I tried these modalities but they did not cure me: 

Medications: nsaids like celebrex which led to restless leg syndrome. He was always looking for a doctor that will know how to cure him until he discovered that only he is the one to cure himself.

Change in the plot: 

when Shawn decided that there is no other option but heal, when he claimed his own authority to heal himself.

The doom of the past versus the glory of my present life: 

He is now a nutritionist who help others heal. educationg the public in his wonderful podcast about health and healing. giving talks and lectures. very inspiring human being indeed.

My best advice to fellow sufferers of chronic conditions: 

Decide to heal! cut all other options, decide that there is no other option but healing

we become what we are exposed to. mainly the envioronment where we grew up.