pain is a friendly misinformed messenger. we heal via connecting not correcting
Victoria K. Carman
Victoria K. Carman, a very talented lady suffered of RA symtoms from a very young age. The misery reached to a such a high degree that she contemplated taking her own life. her salvation was found by a movement method she encountered accidently. In this healing story she demonstartes so beautifully how strong is the how strong is the human spirit
It all started in 1990, spring and summer. I was working and noticing swelling in my joints with so much pain.
I was still working at the architectural firm (CHICAGO US) when my kneessnd elbows started welling, then fingers and wrists and ankles. All the joints got tender, then painful every day, but then it would go away for a short time. The inflammtion was spreading like a wildfire around the whole body. My hands and arms got stiff; I was limping.
my doctor didn’t see any reason for that. So, she gave me Xanax and told me it’s in my head and stress related. In a few months I got high fever every morning and every evening, so I was tested for malaria, but it turned negative. I was overwhelmed with pain and fever, exhausted and desperate because doctors couldn’t figure out what is wrong with me. I tried acupuncture, Chinese herbs, got to see a shaman who blessed me and gave me a special amulet. I did soul retrieval sessions, went to Azerbaijanian healer, who treated me wish a special homemade potion, smearing it over my swollen parts. That hurt like hell, burned my skin and I forgot about the main pain for a short while. Main ingredient was menthol and urine of a donkey, as I found out later.
Finally, I was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis. I was treated with high dosages of prednisone, but overall it didn’t make much difference after a while, also gold, and all the other popular rheumatoid remedies. Still swelling in joints, pain, fever attacks every day and desperation. I was thinking I was dying and contemplating a suicide, but I had a teenage daughter and no relatives to take care of her. I went through a short list of close friends, who might adapt her and realized she will be better with me, even in my pitiful condition.
Mercifully I had been laid off from my job. I couldn't work properly anyway with inflamed hands, but I still tried to make some money, so I found a part time drafting job with local architect. I was doing a lousy job for him, barely able to hold a pencil, but he noticed my miserable condition and said I should see a Feldenkrais practitioner.
I was so lucky - he was the father of famous Elisabeth, one of the first clients of Anat Baniel. See the link. Father drove me to Feldenkrais practitioner Marianne Kagan, and I owe her my life. After few sessions my fever went down and then disappeared. Pain was stepping back after sessions for some time, I would gain more mobility. Marianne never charged me for the lessons. She got me to Chicago workshop with Anat Baniel. Marianne insisted I should take a professional 4-year Feldenkrais training with Anat in California.
As it turned out later, she convinced Anat to take me as a student. I was in a bad shape, misshaped, limping, barely using my arms and hands, still in chronic acute pain in 1994. Anat confessed when she saw me first time at the training, she regrets letting me in as a student, but I was very persistent and did graduate in 4 years, never missing a session. It was extremely difficult for me, and painful but I could see and feel positive changes and continue learning and training.
First session of training two of my male classmates were putting me down on the floor for lessons and picking me up – I couldn’t do it myself. On the second session I learn how to get up on my knees and get up and go down, through the pain.
In spring 1995 during the training Anat was giving private personal lessons to each student. When it was my turn, I remember laying on her table, on the side and she touched my back. It felt wonderful, but she was just touching and not even moving her fingers. I was thinking: what the heck? Is she going to do something or what? Then I drifter into a sleep… 30 minutes up! I woke up slowly got off the table and gave space to the next student.
I walked out… Not limping! Not having any pain! Fluid and light like a butterfly… I couldn’t believe it!!! Sweet Californian breath from the red pines, gentle sun – my last 5 years were just a nightmare! I am young, free, can move, walk, dance like in my early teens when I had a dream of being a ballerina! I was able to jump – and I did for about 20 minutes. On one leg, then on the other. The prison of my stiff body that could move only with the cane, slow and with excruciating pain, this prison was broken! For about 2 hours… Then stiffens and pain slowly crawled back and took its rightful place. Jumping after the lesson was a very stupid thing to do, but memories of this two hours staying with me even now.
I am 64. Since 1990 when I was thinking my life is over, I worked with many adults and children, giving Feldenkrais and ABM lessons, traveled all around the world many times: Europe, Singapore, South America, US and Canada, I am silver level ballroom dancer, wrote and published 11 books in 2 languages, taking care of my grandkids from their birth for the last 9 years. Had few personal art exhibitions (small ones), learned how to do etching, printing, oil, watercolor and acrylic paintings. Having full, active and reasonably happy life.
Honestly, I was able to do all this because I took Feldenkrais training and still following his pass of learning and leaving, that is the same. Thanks to Marianne Kagan, Anat Baniel and all my teachers and trainers in the last 30 years of my life.
It’s painful J, but I know it’s not forever, it will go away, I can lessen it, I can talk to pain – it’s a friendly, but misinformed messenger, faithful part of my protective mechanism. Not reason to be angry or desperate, but to contact, connect, negotiate, listen!
Telling myself every day: The Universe is kind and safe, with few glitches. RA is my faithful and loyal friend and companion. I got out of deep end many times, and will do just fine again and again J
pain is a friendly misinformed messenger. we heal via connecting not correcting
Awareness through movement, Elusive obvious, Body and mature behavior, by Feldenkrais,
9 essentials, Move into life, Kids beyond limits, Anat Baniel
My stroke within, Jill Boulty- Tailor