Debbie Viggiano

A series of synchronisities led Debbie Viggiano to transform her mind and her health. consistentcy in meditaions especially a meditation called "blessing of the energy centers" shifted her scans and blood tests to normal after seven years of suffering. read her inspiring story. what a brave lady indeed.

It all started at: 

In February 2013 I noticed that my ankles kept swelling up.  However, upon waking, the swelling would be gone, so I dismissed it as part of the menopause.  However, in June of that year, while holidaying in Crete, the swelling increased.  I told myself it was due to the intense heat.  I wasn’t concerned.  But, on the flight home, my ankles and legs ballooned to the size of an elephant’s. Suddenly I was concerned! Once home, I visited my doctor who ran some blood tests.  Twenty-four hours later I received a phone call telling me to drop everything and urgently go to hospital.  To my utter shock, I was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia.

Main symptoms were: 

The only symptoms I had was the swelling which came and went and certainly didn’t flag up anything of initial concern.  However, looking back, I realise that I was unusually tired, and can see from old photographs that my face was puffy – water retention.

I tried these modalities but they did not cure me: 

I went into complete shock.  And deep fear.  Disbelief.  Cried endlessly.  I couldn’t accept the diagnosis. This wasn’t my story. I knew there was a way out. But I couldn’t seem to find it. In my hospital bed, I closed my eyes and tried to connect to God.  Looking back, I think I briefly “woke up” BUT, when the doctor prescribed conventional Western medicine… chemotherapy and then drugs… I “went back to sleep”.  I stayed “asleep” for the next seven years, taking the tablets and despairing. I hated the tablets. There were side effects. My eyes became so light sensitive I had to wear sunglasses indoors. I couldn’t drive at night because of the bright headlights. My hair thinned dramatically, and I often suffered vertigo. I still knew this wasn’t my story, but remained unable to see the way out.

Dark night of the soul: 

When was the dark night of the soul?
Things came to a head in February 2020. I was feeling a little rough. A regular blood test revealed the drugs were now affecting my organs.  I was told I had pancreatitis, liver problems, possibly kidney damage and heart issues.  The drugs had to be stopped and I was told I would relapse and that would be that! I went to pieces. Couldn’t believe it. Yet again I told myself that this wasn’t my story, and yet I’d spent the last seven years living this story! And then a number of synchronicities occurred. I’m an author and had just finished writing a romantic comedy about a girl who had a blue butterfly tattoo on her shoulder. Meanwhile, someone had told me about the work of Dr Joe Dispenza. I checked out his testimonials on YouTube, and each testimonial began with the illustration of a blue butterfly – the image was exactly how I’d imagined my character’s butterfly tattoo! Another synchronicity was my son sending me a song he liked and asking me what I thought of it. The song was called Where the Heart Is and the band was called Haevn.  Well, the lyrics of that song talk just leapt out at me.  The lyrics are subject to copyright, so I don’t think I can repeat them hear, other than to say that within the words are a reference to “your higher self” – this crops up in Dr Joe’s meditations and also some of the testimonials on YouTube. Other parts of the song mention about finding courage, trust and being awakened to “climb out of the shade”… which I perceived as getting out of the dark place I was in.  And of course, the band’s name was Haevn - a play on the word Heaven and I’d raised my eyes to Heaven after one meditation and said, “Please send me a sign from Heaven”.  The final synchronicity was discovering the band’s lead singer had been bedridden with cancer but then one day said, “Enough” and got up out of his sick bed. It wasn’t his story! Words that had gone through my head for seven long years.  My immediate thought was, “If he can do it, so can I.” Meanwhile the hospital had arranged for a scan to assess the damage of my organs.  I had to wait two weeks for the hospital appointment and a week for the results.  I immediately began reading Dr Joe’s book “Becoming Supernatural” and meditating morning and evening and sometimes in the middle of the day too! My favourite meditation was Blessing of the Energy Centres.  I just felt like it was “doing something”. I watched testimonials every day and told myself I could become supernatural too! If others could heal, then I could too! However, I was still scared.  What if I couldn’t heal like the others had?  What if the meditations didn’t work for me?  What if I wasn’t doing them properly?  In fact, all I seemed to do in meditations was cry and cry and cry!  I guess this is is also known as “the dark night of the soul” where you fall into doubt.  And then came the day of the scan results.  Heart – normal.  Kidneys – normal.  Liver – normal.  Pancreas – normal.  “What are you doing?” asked the consultant.  I was bewildered.  Incredulous.  Oh my goodness.  Could it be that I was healing myself?

Change in the plot: 

I asked – as Dr Joe suggests in one of his meditations – for a sign.  A sign that I was healing.  I decided I wanted to see a plastic windmill and I wanted it to be yellow.  When I was a child, these plastic windmills used to be everywhere, but I hadn’t seen such a thing for decades.  It would, therefore, surely be hard to find such a sign!  I wasn’t convinced such a sign would ever turn up and, for a while, it didn’t.  I realise now that I kept looking for the sign.  No, you mustn’t do that!  All the time you look, it will evade you!  So I forgot all about searching for a plastic windmill, and it was when I stopped looking that it turned up.  I was asking for directions at a roadside kiosk, and I suddenly noticed that, beside the kiosk, was a bucket STUFFED with plastic windmills.  They were all multi-coloured… red, green, yellow, blue, orange, turquoise, purple…and, as I stared in disbelief, I distinctly heard a voice in my head say: “Why ask for one windmill when you can have a bucketful and why ask for one colour when you can have the rainbow?”  As if to compound this incredible sign, my latest blood results were back.  They were normal.  All the markers were in the normal range – even the white cells, which had previously been sky high.  My haematologist was flabbergasted and did a special marker blood test where the laboratory specifically seeks what is called a bcr-abl% reading.  The result of this marker determines whether a patient is in remission.  I have been in Major Molecular Remission ever since doing Dr Joe’s Blessing of the Energy Centres meditations.  There are a number of these meditation where you can either simply listen and visualise, or others where you use breath work and symbols.  I’ve done them all.  I love them!

How to cultivate a sense of safety?: 

How do I cultivate a sense of safety? Before beginning meditation, I always ask that God’s light completely encapsulates me in a protective bubble.  There’s a lot of negative energy out there.  You don’t want to entangle with it!

My best advice to fellow sufferers of chronic conditions: 

I can only speak from my own experience here, but for me I believe my “disease” was borne from immense anger and frustration at a (back then) family situation that was causing chaos and upset.  Indeed, I used to repeatedly tell anyone who would listen that this particular person made my blood boil!  It is interesting that I ended up with a blood disease.  And would you believe it, but my tormentor ended up with a blood disease too!  However, whereas my body had been making too many white cells, this person was making too many red cells.  I have no doubt that my reaction to this person (immense anger over a period of several years) caused this person to also be angry and react to my retaliation with their own “disease”.  I suspect that chronic issues might well be related to intense negative emotions over a prolonged period. 

about acceptance: 

In meditation, I initially spent much time crying and I think it was a form of release of all that anger, upset and suppressed emotion.  Incredibly, I also found myself forgiving this person for making me feel this way.  After all, I’d obviously impacted on their health too.  I imagined, in meditation, sitting down with this person and simply saying, ‘I forgive you.’  And really feeling that forgiveness.  So my advice to anyone doing this work is to see where the meditation takes you.  What “pops up” in your head?  An emotion?  A person?  A traumatic situation?  Anger?  Bereavement?  Despair?  You will find yourself working through it and, subsequently, healing emotionally and mentally, and then the body will reflect this by returning to health.  I followed Dr Joe’s formula which is 1) An intention (healing) 2) An elevated emotion (joy/gratitude) and then really feeling healed and so grateful and joyful to be healed.  You have to “rewire” your brain… your thoughts… your feelings… and really instruct your body that it is healed!  What better way to do this than imagine you are just that (even if you’re feeling rubbish and doubting!).  One thing I will stress is to meditate every day.  Do not return to your “old self” because the last thing you want is that old disease returning!

The power of lanuage: 
I am now very aware of what I say because I think words have a vibration… an energy. Let’s put it this way, I no longer use the phrase about someone or something making my blood boil! Also, if I’m having a difficult day for whatever reason, I check in with joy. Even if I’m feeling really depressed about something, I will just take a few minutes to make myself feel joy. It is easier than you think. Look at the beauty of the sun setting in the sky. Or the cloud formations. Or trees and their branches of foliage. The birds singing. Tune into that for a few minutes and let it lift you in the heart area. Suddenly, whatever was troubling you, isn’t so relevant. More importantly, you haven’t impacted your body with negativity!
Power of forgiveness in healing: 

My first husband was an alcoholic and died.  Being a single mum with two small children and money worries was challenging.  Needless to say, in meditation this bit of my past also came up and I found myself mentally ranting at my first husband.  “You were so selfish.  Why did you die and leave your children fatherless?  Why didn’t you sort yourself out… have counselling or go into rehab?”  And so on.  And in my mind, I could see my first husband just standing there.  Not saying anything.  Eventually, much to my surprise, he spoke to me (in my mind, in meditation!).  It was very real.  He said sorry.  That he had lost his way.  And in that moment, I forgave him.  What surprised me was how easy it was to forgive him.  In that altered state, it was effortless.  How could I not forgive someone who had lost their way?  I felt a lot of compassion for him in that moment and the past just didn’t seem to matter anymore.

Present moment and healing: 

Just stopping and taking a breath, staying in the present moment, is very beneficial.  When Covid hit the media and everyone was so fearful, I found it particularly effective to stop and stay present.  I’d ask myself, “What is happening right now?  Okay, I’m sitting in a chair.  Everything in my home is peaceful.  Music is playing.”  It is far better to be get into the present moment than let the mind gallop off with a load of “what ifs” that might never happen!