A fool will not only pay for a “cure” that does him no good, but will write a testimonial to the effect that he was cured.
— E. W. Howe
power of language in healing
WHAT YOU EXPRESS IS WHAT YOU GET BACK. Universe is a mirror. It reflects back at you what you put out. You feel anger, you get anger. You give love, you get love. You are controlling, you are getting controlled ( by things, money, power..Etc). HOW DO WE EXPRESS? THROUGH WORDS! WHAT ARE WORDS? WORDS ARE "single distinct meaningful elements of speech", but not only. Words have built in energy through their meaning ( the word STUPID can take the smile away from somebody's face while the word BEAUTIFUL can do the oposite, put a smile on somebody's face). This information is available to everybody. Somewhere in Bible says: " At the beginning was the WORD, and the word was GOD, and God was the WORD"...All life equations are in here. Words are the most important energies that shape our reality. Example: if I say " I am in pain, I hurt, I struggle, I hate this or that, I dont have time, I am always late, I have this panic, I have high blood pressure, I have fever, I have a joint pain, I have chronic pains...Etc" ..All of the above will happen. I used to say something like this: "I am always late" ... Now, guess what the result was?? I was always late, not because of somebody else or because of an excuse I was always finding...It was because I was affirming it always. I switched with " I am always in time". A phrase like "I hurt or I am in pain" can be switched with " there is a part of me that needs attention and I take well care of" Here please note the switch from a low vibration energy affirmation ( I hurt, I am in pain) to a neutral affirmation ( there is a part that needs attention and I take well care of) , and from neutral we constructively and willingly switch to a high vibration energy affirmation ( I am great, I am wonderfull...). Affirmations like I WILL GET BETTER, I WILL BE THERE IN TIME, I WILL HAVE WHAT I WANT. These are affirmations in a future tense and are most likeley not to happen because the healing, the desires are postponed through the expressed words (I WILL). When we decide to take care of ourselves we open the door to LOVE towards ourselves, and LOVE is the most important thing in the World. Pain is a signal that our soul needs help. Pain is an ally. Healing process starts when we aknowledge pain is there for a reason. When we decide to do something. When we decide we want to heal ( attention..I did not say we need to heal, I said we want..That means we become connected to our inner self, we decided we are important to ourselves more than to others, is when we decide to LOVE ourselves).Through love healing occurs (" when you embrace the divine within, a healing occurs"). When heling at personal level happens, healing at collective level occurs. BELIEFS ( If you believe you will recive whatever you ask for..Bible) and PERCEPTIONS are other important factor. Changing the perceptions it changes the chemisty of our body. Pactice all of the above: Prayer to oneself I LOVE YOU I AM SORRY FORGIVE ME THANK YOU I AM ALWAYS IN CALM AND PEACE I AM ALWAYS HEALED FROM THE INSIDE TOWARDS OUTSIDE I AM ALWAYS RADIANT HEALTH I AM ALWAYS IN CONNECTION WITH MY INNER SELF I AM ALWAYS HAPPY I AM ALWAYS INDEPENDENT I AM ALWAYS CONFIDENT I AM SO HAPPY AND GRATEFUL NOW THAT EVERY MOLECULE OF MY BEEING IS VIBRATEING IN PERFECT HARMONY WITH GOD LAW! MY BODY IS GETTING HEALTHIER AND STRONGER AND MORE VIBRANT EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY DAY"
By Raluca Pirnog
I am now very aware of what I say because I think words have a vibration… an energy. Let’s put it this way, I no longer use the phrase about someone or something making my blood boil! Also, if I’m having a difficult day for whatever reason, I check in with joy. Even if I’m feeling really depressed about something, I will just take a few minutes to make myself feel joy. It is easier than you think. Look at the beauty of the sun setting in the sky. Or the cloud formations. Or trees and their branches of foliage. The birds singing. Tune into that for a few minutes and let it lift you in the heart area. Suddenly, whatever was troubling you, isn’t so relevant. More importantly, you haven’t impacted your body with negativity!
By Debbie Viggiano
The point of the TMS healing process is to live a normal life as possible, so therefore with regards to speaking with other people, it’s important to not make it (the pain) much of the topic of discussion.With regards to your own self talk, be kind to yourself, and know that it will become easier with time. The kinder you can be to yourself, the better.
By Florian Van Herk
I started to change how I responded to others. When people asked how I was initially I said “It will take me years to get better and very slowly” Then I realised I was priming my brain so I changed this narrative and just tied people, Im getting better
By Rachel whitfield
Thousands of language experiments have shown us that language means a whole lot when it comes to perception. Ask any attorney how they use language in the courtroom, for example, to sway jury opinions, so much goes into human communication that the exact same sentence spoken with different emotions will be perceived just as much based on the emotions behind the sentence as on the words themselves. Yet, we forget that the words we say to ourselves everyday also have the same impact. It’s unfortunate that there are few people in our everyday lives who can hear our self-talk or have the opportunity to correct it. A good therapist can do this for those few who can afford this type of talk therapy. Still, there is so much you can do. Affirmations coming from a person who gets paid to write them are nice, yet unless you internalize them, they are just words that bounce back out of our own personal value statement experience. I personally advocate writing and journaling in safe ways. There are books that can facilitate the process of uncovering yourself on paper. My personal advice is to start with something easy. I am not lying. It can be very painful to see your self-talk on paper, yet it is the only really good place to begin learning where you are at any point in your life. All journeys must begin somewhere. I began journaling at 9 years of age. More than 50 years into it, journaling continues to be a resource to help me write my thoughts on paper. I still believe it is one of the best tools I have to help me cope and sort out my thoughts.
By Christine Traxler